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Black Sky

New Author Submission Guidelines

Expanding the Esoteric Horizons is not an easy thing to do. 
We do our best - and that is only possible with authors who share our vision.

Your book does not have to be a work of literary acclaim. 
It should be original, well-researched and - if it presents contemporary practices - should be based on lived experience and successful results.  

Still interested?  Then please read on:



But when we do again, 

What we are (particularly) interested in:

  • non-fiction books on the history of Gods & Goddesses from all world cultures and pantheons;

  • Medieval, Renaissance & other historical books of magic, including the Solomonic Tradition;

  • books exploring the histories, practices and beliefs of contemporary Pagan and Esoteric traditions;

  • well-researched works exploring specific aspects of folklore, mythology and folk magic;

  • practical guides related to polytheistic devotion, ceremonial magic(k) and witchcraft;

  • biographies of individuals who have significantly contributed to the modern Pagan, Goddess, Occult and Esoteric movements (& in particular, biographies of individuals who have not had their stories told before).

   we do NOT publish:

  • fiction, fact-fiction, alternate-history;

  • poetry, prose or creative writing;

  • channeled works of any kind;

  • works which are attacks on other authors or those from different religious or spiritual traditions.


About you, the Author:

  • You should be familiar with one or more titles published by Avalonia.  This will help you have a realistic understanding of the type of work we produce, and also help you decide if your work might be a fit for our catalogue;

  • You should be passionate about their subject - and be an informed expert on the topic. You should have a desire to share your knowledge and experience with others. 


You should know that...

  • Very few non-fiction writers, and even fewer writing on niche subjects, make a living wage from their books; even those who have written dozens of books often earn their living from another career, or through consultancy or courses. Avalonia cannot predict how much money you are going to earn from your book.

  • Avalonia pays authors a generous royalty on sales, provides them with an agreed number of complimentary books on publication, and allows them to purchase additional copies at wholesale discounts. Avalonia does not pay advances.

  • To be a successful author will involve effort on your part, and on ours.  We will market your book to our customers, including retailers and wholesalers; but as the author you are the expert in your subject and as such your knowledge and enthusiasm for your subject is the most important tool for getting people interested in your work.  Are you able and willing to spend time promoting your work?  


Still reading?  Feel that we might be a good match? Get in touch! 

  • Send Avalonia an email -- admin @ -- with the following information:

    • The working title of your book, with a 200-300 word description that highlights what you believe is interesting and unique about it.​ Also please send a table of contents, and a sample chapter.

    • A short biography (200-500 words) in which you tell us who you are and why you wrote your book.

    • A summary of other books currently available on the same or similar topic, and what makes your book different from them. 


We look forward to hearing from you! 









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"The ability to summon aid from the Invisible World was the acme of the magical art, promising direct access to preternatural power and knowledge. Difficult, dangerous, and potentially damnable as it was, traffic with spiritual beings and intelligences, whether angelic, demonic or “other” (nature spirits, fairies and the dead) was what set the conjuror apart from other mortals.

― Jim Baker, The Cunning Man's Handbook

“The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and wilfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices.”
― Aleister Crowley, Magick: Liber Aba: Book 4

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