Being an Account of the Arte and Praxis of the Conjuration of some of the Spirits of Solomon
By Gary St. M. Nottingham
In Ars Theurgia Goetia, English alchemist and sorceror Gary Nottingham presents a precise and practical guide to working with the versatile spirits and wandering princes of the Theurgia Goetia, part of the seventeenth century Lemegeton, one of the most influential and significant of all grimoires. The full seals of the spirits are given for the first time, plus material from the Steganographia of the Renaissance mage Abbot Trithemius, an earlier work which heavily influenced the formation of this grimoire. Unlike many grimoires, the Theurgia Goetia heavily stresses the direction and conjuration time at which each spirit must be summoned. This is explained using the complex image known as the Compass Rose, which shows the hierarchy of the spirits and the thirty-two directions of their mansions. This work thus offers practitioners unique access in both time and space to the spirits and wandering princes of the Theurgia Goetia.
The author includes detailed instructions on the magical tools needed for working with the spirits, including consecrations, the construction of the magic circle and triangle, and the preparation of the altar. The full ritual sequence of preparation, conjurations and license to depart is lucidly demonstrated, making this work suitable for both the beginner and the experienced practitioner.
Ars Theurgia Goetia is Vol IV in Foundations of Practical Sorcery by Gary St. M. Nottingham.
2015, 180 pages. Paperback & Kindle editions available.
ISBN 978-1-905297-77-1
B&W 6.14 x 9.21 in or 234 x 156 mm (Royal 8vo) Perfect Bound on Creme w/Gloss Lam
Ars Theurgia Goetia by Gary St. M. Nottingham
Of that most secret Arte
Of the Four Emperors
Of those Spirits Darksome and Divine
The Wandering Princes
Further Reading
Gary St. M. Nottingham’s commitment to the study and practice of the alchemical arte, ritual magic, grimoires and spirit conjuration means that he can often be found peering at bubbling flasks or a shewstone – or otherwise engaged in deepening his knowledge and understanding of such matters. His practices also draw on the work of the 17th-century astrologer William Lilly and the arte of horary astrology.
He organised the legendary Ludlow Esoteric Conference (2004-2008), helped produce Verdelet occult magazine, has taught many free day workshops on basic occult skills and is a popular speaker at esoteric conferences.
The seven volumes of Foundations of Practical Sorcery are an unabridged collection of Gary’s much sought-after previously published work, updated and made available to a wider readership at last. Ars Alchemica and Ars Angelorum may be seen as companion volumes to this central work.
Gary was raised in south Shropshire, where, during his mid-teens, he became involved with a small Coven, thereby gaining an excellent grounding in a wide selection of magical practices. Following the conjuration of a spirit, and asking it for help that manifested when least expected, he subsequently became involved with a group of practising alchemists.
He has a background in horticulture, enjoys spending time in the garden and playing chess.