At long last, our latest anthology is on its way to the printers! We cannot wait to share with your this new collection of essays about the Goddess Hekate.
The Many Gods Anthologies is a new series of publications bringing together scholarly papers and accounts of personal gnosis about the deities who hold a special place in our hearts. This is Volume 1 – Hekate, edited by Vikki Bramshaw.
The book features contributions from writers and devotees around the world, including:
Ariadne Rainbird
B.P. Shoop
Carrie Fitzpatrick
Christina Moraiti
Emily Carding
Francine Derschner
James Van Kollenburg (Kallimakhos)
Larry Phillips
Marcel Schrei
Ness Bosch
Orryelle Defenstrate-Bascule
Sorita d'Este
Vikki Bramshaw
This collection of essays draws on Hekate's fascinating and complex history, while acknowledging the diversity of beliefs and practices among modern day devotees. Contributors from Europe to South America cover a wide range of themes from theatre to dreamwork, from hero worship to household devotion, from Orphic tradition to the modern adoption of Hekate in foreign lands. A fascinating mix of research and personal gnosis, this book is a celebration of the modern day cult of Hekate, itself an extraordinary example of a rekindled and global faith.