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Black Sky
Black Sky


"To expand my esoteric horizons was the mission I set myself when I started my first website in the late 1990s.  It was the grown-up version of my vow as a child to learn "everything and anything" so that I could be as independent as possible in my thinking as in my life.  Avalonia is the culmination of that vow, evolved , and one that also allows me to serve my Goddesses and Gods"   - Sorita d'Este, Founder of Avalonia


Avalonia was founded by Sorita d'Este as a personal and community website in the late 1990's, which included lively internet forums, monthly moots in London, picnics throughout the summer months in Richmond Park and the gardens of the Horniman Museum and many other events.  In 2005 Sorita decided to self-publish research notes about The Morrigan from work she was doing with David Rankine, and followed that with a few more projects aimed at making available material from talks and workshops, which was not available elsewhere at the time.  Soon books by other authors - including Fred Lamond, Thea Faye,  Katie Gerrard, Payam Nabarz and Jan Fries - joined the catalogue of titles. 


After moving to Glastonbury, Somerset - the 'Ancient Isle of Avalon' after which Avalonia was named in 2011, as a single-mum of a non-verbal autistic boy, Sorita dedicated herself to developing and evolving Avalonia - as well as her own work and studies.   Titles by Lesley Jackson on the Egyptian Gods and Goddesses joined the expanding catalogue in recent years, alongside books such as Jim Baker's The Cunning Man's Handbook, numerous titles by alchemist and occult practitioner Gary St. Michael Nottingham; books on Wicca such as Vikki Bramshaw's The Craft of the Wise and Yvonne Aburrows' All Acts of Love and Pleasure alongside C.A. Smith's Icelandic Magic and Epona by P.D. MacKenzie Cook.

Never keen to sing our own praises, we let the material we publish speak for itself.  If they open doorways to better works on the same subjects in future,  then we have been successful.


We do our best to keep our books affordable and make available Kindle eBooks at a fraction of the print prices of the books. We do our best to be kind to Mother Earth too - all our books are printed on environmentally sound paper stock, and we use digital printing (print-on-demand) where possible to avoid waste as well as transport mileage. We believe in minimising suffering to all beings, and as such none of our books will ever be bound in leather or other animal products.

We are currently working on new editions of some of our earlier books, as well as a number of new titles.  

For more information on new and forthcoming releases click here.  

To browse all the available titles click here.



Sorita d'Este at the Temple of Hekate in

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